Find out how to optimize the technical solution for painting halls, for getting a high quality anticorrosive protection with a reasonable cost?

Find out how to optimize the technical solution for painting halls, for getting a high quality anticorrosive protection with a reasonable cost?
In this particular case study you’ll discover:
- What is the necessary exhausting capacity that makes it possible to operate under proper conditions in your particular painting hall?
- How to influence the temperature’s level for...

How to customize the blasting solution and the recovery system when building or modernizing a blasting hall?
Find out:
-How to choose the most suitable blasting solution for achieving the productivity targets you planed for your site
-How to personalize the abrasive recovery system so that it perfectly matches the parameters of...

How is a blasting and painting hall designed based on the specific needs in your shipyard?
Find out how is a blasting and painting hall designed based on the specific needs in your shipyard?
What’s determining the size and the equipping of a blasting and painting hall?

How to control the climate conditions for insuring the best results of blasting and painting operations in shipyards?
During ship repair works in shipyards, when blasting and painting in tanks are necessary, it is mandatory to insure the proper environmental conditions so that the final results of the operations won’t be compromised...

The Customized Blasting Tower – the most efficient surface treatment solution for closed tanks
Are you constantly looking for new ways to reduce the costs related to blasting applications?
Is the environmental protection an issue in your shipyard, too?
Are you also willing to offer the safest working conditions...

Find out how to highly increase your productivity during blasting and painting applications in the shipbuilding industry
What can you do when you want to increase the productivity in your shipyard, during the surface treatment applications? How can you upgrade your production capacities, while facing environmental objectives